Sunday, February 24, 2013

Yes, we get along!

I was blessed to spend time yesterday with my two favorite daughters in law! yes, I only have two!

I found myself once again amazed at God's grace over my life. It just overwhelms me ....the way God blesses us, over and over!!

Cassy, Amanda and I were chatting over lunch about many things. We talked about church, friends, the arrival our our first grandbaby...due in August, and the relationship we share with each other. I looked amazed at these young women that God put in my life, and put in our family.  The girls my boys married.

Becoming a mother in law doesn't come with a manual, and there isn't one for becoming a daughter in law. We just do the best we can. I've made some mistakes...things might have gone terribly wrong. But thankfully God taught me very early on that my relationship with these girls will have a huge impact on my relationship with my boys, and eventually, my grandchildren. I desired a happy, healthy family where everyone gets along and enjoys being together.

God taught me that it wasn't up to them to form a relationship with me...I'm older, should be wiser :)  with more life experience. They were just starting a new life with the man they loved, the last thing they needed to be concerned with was how to fit into this nutty family. It was my job to get to know them and love them and fit our families together.. And I have tried really hard to do just that.

I am so excited for every new adventure we have together. Grandchildren, family vacations, holidays, family dinners, shopping trips...some of life's greatest blessings. And I look forward to all of it with these amazing young women and our incredible son in law. How can it not bless God's heart when we stive to get along and live in peace with each other?

So, as I wiped the tears from my eyes while thanking them for loving my boys, they just smiled.

They told me they love me too...

and I believe them!!

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