Sunday, May 13, 2012

A Mother's Day Thought

During this Mother's Day weekend I have been reflecting on what being a Mother is all about. I know we say it over and over..."I can't believe how big my kids have gotten! Where have all the years gone?" We hear it and say it every birthday they have, every new school year, and certainly it is mentioned on Mother's Day.
God has blessed me with three amazing children. Saying those words never sounds big enough to me, I aways feel like the words just don't reflect how wonderful being their mom has been. Does anyone else feel like that? Like I should have some profound, earth shattering phrase that would shake the ground as I speak so that anyone listening would say, "Ohhhhh, she has been blessed with three amazing children!"  Which makes me feel like they can't really know how I feel.
I know that God created me to bring joy and unending happiness to my parents and siblings...which I have done happily! hahaha!! But obviously there was more to my journey of life.

I was chosen...yes, I said chosen, to give birth to and raise Matthew, Nicholas and Amy!! Wow, think about it that way and it will change you!! God chose me for them, and them for me! And I am so thankful for that! I have been feeling that I should be giving them gifts and cards today and thanking them for being my children...because I honestly couldn't have ordered anything that would have come close to these three!

And then they went and married these other three amazing people. It just keeps getting better!! Cassy, Amanda and Sam are truly gifts from God that were created for my kids!! Really think about that!!

I have thought many many times over these 31 years about something that my mom said to me when I was pregnant with Matthew. She told me that I would never really know how much she loved me until I had a baby of my own....and wow, is that the truth!!

So, I guess it is true that I gave them life....but honestly....they gave me life!

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